Role: UX/UI Designer

Tools: Adobe XD, Figma

Duration: 2 months

Problem statement:

Our music-loving users need an app where they can search for their favorite tunes on the go so they can listen back to them anytime and anywhere.



To provide a variety of past and present tracks and a sound listening feature for easier searchability. 

User Flow


I kept the user flow simple and straight to the point by providing the most important menu options such as account, music, search, and tune search. Users should be able to jump straight into his or her tunes of choice and utilize the app efficiently.

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

Screen Shot 2021-10-10 at 5.54.59 PM.png

The idea behind the mid fidelity design of Tunezy was to showcase a clean but extensive library layout of music for an eclectic consumer audience.

Featured screens:

Log in page, Home, Music, Tune Search, Playlists, Profile, Music Player

High-Fidelity Prototypes

The high-fidelity design and tones gravitate towards earthy tones to allow potential users to feel relaxed while searching for the latest hits or feel food oldies.


Perfect Properties