Hello there! 👋 My name is Christine and I have a background in photography, fashion, and customer service. Having the ability to collaborate with others while looking at life through the lens of the consumer has given me the experience to express human empathy. This is essentially what drew me to the world of UX/UI design.
I shifted my focus towards UX due to my curiosity for design and the contribution towards digital products which lean towards enhancing the lives of others. I am passionate about leaving a positive impact through the element of design and aim to service others through this form of creativity and problem solving. Furthermore, I am seeking a role in UX where I can plug in my expertise of music and fashion within a company with a “people first” approach.
During my spare time, I enjoy creating DIY projects, discovering Spotify playlists, dancing like no-one is watching, listening to podcasts, and browsing art museums for creative inspiration.